A drum major is more than just a good conductor. A drum major is also a leader, a teacher, and the top student representative of the band. An effective drum major is an excellent musician and can demonstrate excellent marching technique. Drum majors can conduct both with and without a baton. The drum major is responsible for leading the band through physical and musical warm-up exercises, and making sure they are to the field on time for rehearsals and performances. The drum major helps rehearsals run smoothly and sets the standard for discipline and conduct for the entire band. A drum major must also be willing to learn to be a better drum major, and take direction from the band director. The drum major must be reliable and honest. An excellent drum major has the ability to inspire the band.
Drum Major Eligibility Requirements
Drum Major Audition
Role of the Drum Major
The drum major is the most visible position in the marching band. The drum major exemplifies the spirit and dignity of the entire band. Duties of the drum major include but are not limited to:
Desirable Qualities of a Drum Major
The drum major is held to a higher standard than other positions in the band. If you submit the application materials you are showing that you understand what will be required of you, should you be selected for the position of drum major. Submit your application materials only after you fully understand the responsibility and requirements of the drum major position.
If you are selected as drum major for the 2019 season it is highly preferable that you are available June 20-21 to attend a drum major workshop to be held at Victor J. Andrew H.S. in Tinley Park, IL. Parents/Guardians will need to arrange transportation to and from the workshop each day. Times have not been released yet, but no other events should be scheduled on these two days.
If you have any questions please contact Mr. Salgado before you audition.
- Must be enrolled in a band course at Bremen H.S. now and for the 2019-2020 school year
- Must have been in the marching band during the 2018 season
- Must be in the 10th-12th during the 2018-2019 school year
- Must be passing all current Bremen H.S. courses enrolled in
- Provide signed drum major contract with parent signature: Drum Major Contract
Drum Major Audition
- Conduct excerpts from the field show using the recording found here (Part 1 only for auditions): The Witching Hour
- Must demonstrate the ability to keep accurate time and use a beat pattern that is understood
- Demonstrate excellent marching technique, including but not limited to: marking time, marching forwards, marching backwards, pivot turns, roll step, horn placement, and body carriage, etc.
- Vocal commands, including but not limited to: attention, parade rest, mark time, halt, and turns. Voice projection and clarity are important factors
- Perform a to be determined excerpt from the show music on candidate's primary instrument
- Answer in person questions about a to be determined piece of music
- Answer in person questions about how the candidate would approach given situations if he/she was the drum major
Role of the Drum Major
The drum major is the most visible position in the marching band. The drum major exemplifies the spirit and dignity of the entire band. Duties of the drum major include but are not limited to:
- Consults with the director before each rehearsal for instructions concerning the rehearsal plan
- Leads the band through warm up routine
- Assists in the teaching of marching technique
- Assists individual band members when the need arises
- Demonstrates as an example difficult maneuvers and proper posture
- Assists in maintaining discipline and positive morale in the band at all times
- Assists with general inspection of the band in uniform
- Responsible for making sure the band is assembled in the proper formation at the proper place and at the proper time for all performances
- Responsible for moving the band from one area to another in an orderly fashion at performances
- Be the example at all times in punctuality, dress, leadership, alertness, marching, attitude, and morale
Desirable Qualities of a Drum Major
- The drum major must have a strong dedication to the band program
- The drum major must have a high level of musical ability
- The drum major must be intelligent and have the capability to think quickly under pressure
- The drum major must possess outstanding leadership qualities
- The drum major must be personable and get along well with others
- The drum major must be very dependable and have a great attendance record
- The drum major must be able to accept constructive criticism
- The drum major must be enthusiastic in his/her dealings with the band
- The drum major must exhibit a good attitude and must encourage good morale within the band
The drum major is held to a higher standard than other positions in the band. If you submit the application materials you are showing that you understand what will be required of you, should you be selected for the position of drum major. Submit your application materials only after you fully understand the responsibility and requirements of the drum major position.
If you are selected as drum major for the 2019 season it is highly preferable that you are available June 20-21 to attend a drum major workshop to be held at Victor J. Andrew H.S. in Tinley Park, IL. Parents/Guardians will need to arrange transportation to and from the workshop each day. Times have not been released yet, but no other events should be scheduled on these two days.
If you have any questions please contact Mr. Salgado before you audition.