The Bremen High School Jazz Ensemble is very active throughout the school year. They can be heard at many community functions, annual band concerts, and various educational and competetive jazz festivals. Students are enrolled in the Jazz Band class, rehearse during school daily for credit, in sectionals after school, and on various special rehearsal days. Jazz students also audition for IMEA District 1 ensembles, perform in SSC All-Conference ensembles and Bremen High School District 228 Fine Arts Festival ensembles. Students enrolled in the course have the option to audition for the Bremen High School Jazz Combo, which has won Grand Champion honors for the past two years at the Chicago Area Jazz Festival, and rehearses after school. Many members of the Jazz Ensembles at Bremen H.S. have won Outstanding Jazz Soloist and Outstanding Jazz Section Player awards. The Jazz Ensemble & Combo perform music in many styles, including swing, latin, funk, and rock. The Bremen High School Jazz Ensemble is one of the most active performing ensembles in Bremen High School District 228.